This week, a milestone was passed on the road of globalisation. The Society
for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication – the banking utility better
known as “Swift” – said it had processed a record number (some 26m) of daily
That is encouraging. Rising bank transactions tend to mean growing levels
of global trade – just what world leaders and officials would like to applaud
when they assemble at next week’s autumn meetings of the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund.
Sadly, there is a catch. A few days before notching up that record, Swift
noted that the European Parliament has passed a resolution suggesting that
Russian banks could be expelled from the system in protest at Russia’s
incursions into Ukraine. Behind the scenes, US politicians have been also
putting pressure on Belgium-based Swift.
Thus far Swift has refused to comply. Two years ago in a groundbreaking
move a group of Iranian banks were excluded from the network as part of western
sanctions against Tehran. But this time, Swift officials vehemently oppose a
Russian ban. Next week Swift will issue a rare statement declaring that it
“regrets the pressure” and noting that “as a utility with a global systemic
character, [we] have no authority to make sanctions decisions” – unless ordered
to do so by parliament.
Investors need to take note. If Swift acquiesces, Russia could be badly
hit. The country’s banks rely heavily on the network to make domestic and
international payments. Alexei Kudrin, Russia’s former finance minister, has
warned that the move could even cause gross domestic product to contract by “up
to 5 per cent”. A Russian ban could also have bigger implications for global
finance. It would reignite a key question hanging over next week’s IMF and World
Bank meetings: will the global institutions that helped to stitch the world
together in the late 20th century continue to be a unifying force in this one?
Or will political fracture unpick economic ties?
The case of Swift is distinctly symbolic. The network was created back in
1973, when 200 (mostly western) banks decided to build a secure, common,
multilateral system to exchange standardised messages underpinning interbank
payments. Previously, banks relied on telex or bilateral telephonic systems;
Swift was a big technological advance. And to signal that the platform was
“neutral”, it was based not in Washington or New York, but in Brussels.
Until recently, this pro-global stance worked well. While many banks have
retained bilateral messaging systems, the network has become the dominant
channel for exchanging cross-border payment data. It is used by 10,500 entities
in 215 countries. Yet over time its reputation for neutrality has come under
attack. A decade ago it emerged that US intelligence had struck a deal with
European governments to scrutinise Swift data as part of America’s fight against
terrorism. Then in 2012 came the order from the EU – after earlier US pressure –
to stop dealing with Iranian banks.
The current demands to impose a ban on Russian banks present a potentially
more important turn of the screw. To politicians in Washington, cutting Russia
out of Swift seems an attractive move. It would arguably be the single most
damaging economic sanction the west could use against Moscow. But to Swift
managers, the move looks dangerously capricious and partisan. And they fear it
would prompt non-western countries to create rival systems, to protect
themselves against any future US threats.
Russian officials are already warning that they want to build alternatives
to Swift. And while it will not be easy for Moscow to do so in the short term –
except by dusting off those telex machines – in recent days Russian officials
have held talks with their Chinese counterparts about creating a joint platform.
If Beijing comes on board, and others were also to join, the consequences would
be significant, say banking experts. Instead of having one major cross-border
payments system, the world could eventually split into two (or more) networks –
making global payments less efficient.
That might not worry Washington now, given the prospect of deploying such
an effective weapon against President Vladimir Putin. But it should, as it would
come at a real cost to all actors in the global financial system. If nothing
else, the tussle about Swift is a potent reminder that the path of globalisation
does not always go in one direction. That 26m daily transaction record may yet
turn out to be not a milestone but a watershed.
Hakuna maoni:
Chapisha Maoni