The 410,000 people who took to the
streets for climate action in New York City during the U.N. Climate Summit would
have been outraged by the 90-minute delay and same-old political posturing at
the first day of a crucial round of climate treaty negotiations in Bonn at the
World Congress Center.
Countries blatantly ignored organisers’pleas to keep their opening
statements short in order to get to work during the last week of talks before
COP 20 in Lima, Peru Dec. 1-12.
COP 20 is where a draft climate treaty intended to prevent catastrophic
overheating of the planet will take form. One year later, the leaders of nearly
200 countries are to sign a new climate treaty in Paris. If the treaty is not
strong enough to ensure that countries rapidly abandon fossil fuels, then
hundreds of millions will suffer and nations will collapse.
The current draft treaty is nowhere near strong enough, and country
negotiators are “sleepwalking”in Bonn while “the climate science only gets more
dire,”Hilary Chiew from Third World Network, a civil society organisation, told
negotiators here.
Delegates are used to one or two official “interventions”by the public
which are strictly time-limited and often no more than 90 seconds. Despite the
passion and eloquence of many of these, few officials are moved and most can do
little but follow instructions given them weeks ago by their governments.
“Sticking to positions is not negotiating,”meeting co-chair Kishan
Kumarsingh of Trinidad and Tobago reminded negotiators.
There are very few members of the public and civil society in Bonn to
witness how many countries’stuck to their short-term, self-interested positions
than in facing humanity’s greatest ever challenge. After 20 years, these
negotiations have become ‘business as usual’ themselves and seem set to continue
another 20 years.
“Only a global social movement will force nations to act,”said Hans Joachim
Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact
Research in Germany.
Schellnhuber, a leading climate expert and former science advisor to the
German government, is not in Bonn but participated in September’s U.N. Climate
Summit in New York along with leaders from 120 nations. The Summit was all
rhetoric and no commitments to action, yet again, he told IPS.
Without the People’s Climate March, the U.N. Summit was a failure, while
the march – with 410,000 people on the streets of Manhattan – was “awesome”and
“inspiring”, he said.
The two-degree C target is the only thing all nations have agreed on.
Although a two-degree C rise in global temperatures is “unprecedented in human
history”, it is far better than three C or worse, he said.
Achieving the two C target is still possible, according to a report by
leading climate and energy experts. The Tackling the Challenge of Climate Change
report outlines various steps, including increased energy efficiency in all
sectors — building retrofits, for example, can achieve 70-90 percent
An effective price on carbon is also needed, one that reflects the enormous
health and environmental costs of burning fossil fuels. Massive increases in
wind and solar PV and closing down all ineffecient coal plants is also
Most important of all, governments need to make climate a priority. Germany
and Denmark are well along this path to creating low-carbon economies and
benefiting from less pollution and creation of a new economic sector, the report
Making climate a top priority for all governments will take a global social
movement involving tens of millions of people. Once the business sector realises
the transition to a low-carbon world is underway, they will push governments to
create policies needed for a low-carbon societies.
Hakuna maoni:
Chapisha Maoni