Speaking to more than 120 heads of
state at the U.N. Climate Summit, actor and newly appointed U.N. Messenger of
Peace Leonardo DiCaprio made clear the long-ranging impact of the attendees’
“You will make history,” he said, “or you will be vilified by it.”
Tuesday’s climate summit was not a part of the U.N. Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiation framework. Instead, it was a special event
convened by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to catalyse public opinion and
increase political will for a binding climate agreement to be negotiated in
Paris at the end of 2015.
“This mixture of governmental, business, cities, states [and] civil society
engagement is certainly unprecedented and it offers a chance to open the climate
change discussion at a heads of state level as never before,” said Jennifer
Morgan, director of the climate and energy programme at the World Resources
Institute (WRI), in a statement before the summit.
The secretary-general opened the summit by exhorting leaders to make
substantial commitments to mitigate climate change.
“Climate change is the defining issue of our age,” he said. “We must work
together to mobilise markets” and “commit to a meaningful, universal climate
agreement in Paris in 2015.”
In three simultaneous sessions, world leaders announced national action and
ambition plans to combat climate change. These announcements included pledges to
cut emissions, donate money to the Green Climate Fund, halt deforestation and
undertake efforts to put a price on carbon.
Representatives from small island states lamented that their countries
would be underwater in only a few decades, while African leaders pointed out the
growing number of climate refugees.
All eyes were on China and the United States, respectively the number one
and number two carbon emitting countries in the world.
U.S. President Barack Obama announced that all future U.S. investments in
international development would consider climate resiliency as an important
factor. He also said that the U.S. would meet its target of reducing carbon
emissions in the range of 17 percent below 2005 levels by the year 2020.
“We recognise our role in creating this problem. We embrace our
responsibility to combat it,” Obama said. “We will do our part and we will help
developing nations to do theirs.”
“But we can only succeed in combating climate change if we are joined in
this effort by every nation, developed and developing alike. Nobody gets a
Chinese President Xi Jinping did not attend the climate summit, but instead
sent Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli.
While some were disappointed at Xi’s absence, the fact that such a
high-ranking Chinese official would speak of the necessity of climate change
mitigation was cause for optimism.
In a reaction statement, WRI’s Jennifer Morgan said that “China’s remarks
at the Climate Summit go further than ever before. Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli’s
announcement to strive to peak emissions ‘as early as possible’ is a welcome
signal for the cooperative action we need for the Paris Agreement.”
China alone accounts for one quarter of worldwide carbon emissions
Narendra Modi, newly elected prime minister of India, also declined to
attend the climate summit. India is the world’s third largest emitter of
Midway through the day, the secretary-general was insistent that real
progress was being made.
“This summit is not about talk,” he said. “The climate summit is producing
actions that make a difference.”
One of the most concrete things that nations can do to combat climate
change is to make pledges to the Green Climate Fund.
The Green Climate Fund is a UNFCCC mechanism designed to transfer money
from developed countries to developing countries, to build climate
During the summit French President François Hollande pledged one billion
dollars to the Climate Fund over the next few years. Several other countries,
including Norway and Switzerland, also promised to contribute smaller amounts.
Germany pledged one billion dollars to the fund several months ago.
Still, these efforts do not nearly close the climate resilience gap between
rich and poor states.
Bolivian President Evo Morales voiced a common frustration in his statement
on behalf of the G77 and China, a group of developing countries.
“Developing countries continue to suffer the most from the adverse impacts
of climate change… even though they are historically the least responsible for
climate change,” he said.
Morales criticised developed countries for failing to uphold their
commitments, and said that developing countries would only be able to fulfil
their commitments to reducing carbon without substantial financial assistance
from developed countries.
It’s easy “to get caught in the zero-sum game” when talking about steps to
mitigate climate change, David Waskow, head of WRI’s International Climate
Initiative, told IPS. However, “one of the things that was heard frequently
today from the podium was the recognition that climate action and economic
growth and development can go hand in hand.”
Historical responsibility is a concern, he said, but it should not stop
poor countries from recognising that “there are paths forward on climate action
that can in fact be beneficial for development.”
Waskow pointed out that renewable energy will soon be just as cheap as
fossil fuels in many countries, and could provide significant development
benefits in rural areas far from the main electricity grid.
In addition to the climate summit’s main speeches, numerous side events
took place, including thematic debates on the economic case for action and on
climate science. A special session entitled “Voices from the Climate Front
Lines” highlighted the experiences of children, youth, women and indigenous
peoples in building resilience to climate change.
Meanwhile, popular support for action against climate change is gaining
Around 100 climate-related events are taking place in New York between Sep.
22 and 28 as part of the Climate Week NYC campaign.
Two days before the summit, around 400,000 climate supporters joined the
People’s Climate March in New York, several times the expected number.
Buses carried in marchers from across the United States. Solidarity marches
and events occurred in 166 countries.
Ban, Leonardo DiCaprio, climate change activist and ex-U.S. President Al
Gore and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio all participated in New York’s
Despite the strong turnout, many climate supporters fear that the hype
surrounding the summit and the 2015 Paris conference will amount to nothing more
than it did in 2009, when hopes of a climate agreement in Copenhagen
When asked whether enough had changed since 2009 to result in a successful
climate treaty, Brandon Wu, senior policy analyst at ActionAid USA, told IPS “I
think there’s been enough [change] to get something through. I don’t think
there’s been enough to get through something as ambitious as we need.”
For the 2015 Paris agreement to succeed, negotiators will need a “clear,
focused and strong draft agreement” by the end of the U.N.’s climate change
conference (COP20) in Lima this December, said COP20 president and Peruvian
environmental minister Manuel Pulgar-Vidal in a press call.
Major economies will need to come forward by March 2015 with their proposed
contributions to the Paris framework.
In his remarks at the climate summit, Al Gore put forward his take on what
was necessary for a successful climate treaty.
“All we need is political will, but political will is a renewable
Hakuna maoni:
Chapisha Maoni